
A method for supporting learning by inferring a learners progress in a subject, or their degree of content mastery, through the interpretation of data collected from the learner and compared to predetermined standards. This can be gathered through a variety of methods including direct observation, discussions with the learner, constructed papers, or exams. Assessments should only measure knowledge or skills of the learner and not reflect factors unrelated to content mastery, such as attendance or behavior. 

While there are multiple types of assessment, this course utilizes formative and summative assessments, with the main focus on formative. 

Formative Assessment occurs throughout instruction and provides valuable information to both the instructor and the learner. This can reflect areas where the instructor may need to adjust instruction or focus their attention. Or, reflect the learners progress, level of mastery, areas of strength and areas requiring more attention. This information is communicated to the learner through feedback, either immediate or delayed, from the instructor or peers. 

This training module utilizes observations of the learners during instruction, activities and review exercises, planned or spontaneous Q&A, learner feedback and self-evaluation. Throughout training the learner will have the opportunity to review and re-assess any of the covered content, up to and including the final presentation, which serves as the summative assessment for the module. 

The feedback gained from the final presentation can be utilized to guide the learners review of the content and they will have the opportunity to redo the final assessment as many times as needed. 



Mastery Quiz

2-Part Crafted Response


Identify & Define 





A short form response - Utilizing a provided list of To-Dos, Identify the priority level and processes involved for three different tasks.

Given a description of five To-Dos, match each to the priority level and main process involved in their completion.

For the written response you will choose a channel of communication and craft a response to the prompt, followed by short write up that includes the channel you would use to send the message, the recipient, and any important details from the prompt. 

For the demonstration you will need to explain the process for logging into the workflow management system, checking your personal To-Do list, identifying if you have any new tasks, and how to move a task through the levels of progression.



Delayed feedback - In person

Following instructor review of completed activity.

Correct / Incorrect Scoring.

Delayed feedback - In person

Following instructor review of completed activity.

Correct / Incorrect Scoring.

Immediate feedback - In person
Following instructor review of written activity & completion of presentation.

Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Scoring.

Example Questions / Responses


Identify the priority level and processes involved for one of the three tasks listed below.

To-Do List

Not Started
DESIGN_EDU-101-001 🔴 - ⏲ 📄 📅 Fri, Apr 21  ⚪ Sullivan S.

DESIGN_EDU-102-001 🔴 - ⏲ 📄 📅 Fri, Apr 21  ⚪ Sullivan S.

DESIGN_ART-101-001  🟢 - ➡ 📄 📅 Fri, Apr 21  ⚪ Sullivan S.


DESIGN_EDU-101-001 - Is a High Priority, Time-Audit process
Due Apr 21, assigned to Sullivan S. It has not been started. 

Mastery Quiz

Using the To-Do list below, match each task to the priority level and main process involved in its completion.

To-Do List

Priority & Processes

A. High Priority - Time-Audit
B. Low  Priority - Forecasting
C. High Priority - Forecasting
D. Low  Priority - Time-Audit


1 : A

2 : D

3 : B

4 : C